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Clemens Lauer
Design is Ten Years Old

FIG. 1: All objects combined.

The "Design is 10 Years Old" collection is the result of a design experiment: a visit to a 4th grade class of almost 30 ten-year-old pupils. They were asked to draw a piece of furniture of their choice - chair, table, lamp, shelf et al. Four of those drawing were realized into existing objects – following the big questions of what is design actually?, who can make it?, how can it develop?, what are the alternatives? And these, as the result shows, are at least conceivable. Because, apart from the three-legged table, all the objects "work", certainly "differently", but very fascinating in their own way. Text: Volker Albus

FIG. 2: Table steel, resin, 110 x 75 x 70 cm.

FIG. 3: Peanut Coat Rack, peanuts, wood, resin, 50 x 8 x 8 cm

FIG. 4: Flower Lamp Stand, steel, abs, 70 x 92 x 70 cm

FIG. 5: Door Handle, stainless steel, 14 x 14 x 5 cm

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